Tutorial on Foundations and Applications of Graph Transformation

Reiko Heckel (Leicester, UK)


The tutorial is intended as a general introduction to the area of graph transformation specifically directed towards scientists who are not familiar with the field.

The tutorial will start with an informal introduction to the basic concepts of graph transformation (like graph, rule, transformation, etc.) discussing semantic choices (like which notion of graph to use; how to put labels, attributes, or types; or what to do with dangling links during rewriting, etc.) and mentioning different ways of formalizing the basic concepts.

In the second part, the tutorial will give a survey of typical applications of graph transformation in software engineering, e.g., as a specification language and semantic model for concurrent and distributed systems, as a meta language for defining the syntax, semantics, and manipulation of diagrams, as a visual data base programming language, etc.

Finally, the tutorial will go into some details about the algebraic approach to graph transformation, its formal foundations and relevant theory. This shall enable the participants to better appreciate the conference and its satellite events.