


Curriculum Vitae (in English)

















·         COELHO, Roberta; RASHID, Awais; GARCIA, Alessandro; FERRARI, Fabiano; CACHO, Nelio; KULESZA, Uira;STAA, Arndt.; LUCENA, Carlos; Assessing the Impact of Aspects on Exception Flows: An Exploratory Study , European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2008)

·         COELHO, Roberta; CIRILO, Elder; KULESZA, Uira;STAA, Arndt., RASHID, Awais; LUCENA, Carlos; JAT: A Test Automation Framework for Multi-Agent Systems , International Conference on Software Maintenance, ICSM 2007, October, 2007. (http://icsm07.ai.univ-paris8.fr/)

·         COELHO, Roberta; CIRILO, Elder; KULESZA, Uira;STAA, Arndt., RASHID, Awais; LUCENA, Carlos ; JAT Framework: Creating JUnit-Style Tests for Multi-Agent Systems, Tools Session - Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, SBES 2007, October, 2007. (Awarded - the TOP 3 Best Tool)

·         COELHO, R., A., STAA. “ Using Interfaces to Support the Testing of Crosscutting Features ”, Doctoral Symposium of OOPSLA 2006.

·         COELHO, R., DANTAS, A., KULESZA, U.,A., STAA., CIRNE, W., LUCENA, C. “The Monitor Aspect Pattern ”, PLoP 2006.

·         COELHO, R., ALVES, A., KULESZA, U., COSTA, A., STAA, A., LUCENA, C., BORBA, P. “ On Testing Crosscutting Features Using Extension Join Points ”, 3rd Workshop on Product Line Testing, SPLiT 2006. [pdf]-(Draft in English)

·         COELHO, R., KULESZA, U., STAA, A., LUCENA, C. “ Unit Testing in Multi-agent Systems using Mock Agents and Aspects. ”, International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS2006) [pdf]-(In English)

·       COELHO, R. S. ; BRASILEIRO, E. V. ; STAA, A. V. . “Not so eXtreme programming: agile practices for R&D projects”. In: Object- Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications(OOPSLA 2005), 2005, San Diego.p. 130-131. [pdf]-(In English)

 ·     COELHO, R. S. ; KULESZA, U. ; STAA, A. V. . “Improving Architecture Testability with Patterns”. In: Object- Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications(OOPSLA 2005), 2005, San Diego. p. 114-115. [pdf]-(In English)

·        COELHO, R. S. ; KULESZA, U. ; STAA, A. V. ; LUCENA, C. J. P. . “Layred Information System Test Pattern”. In: The Fifth Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programming, 2004, Campos do Jordao [pdf]-(In English).

·         COELHO, R. S. ; STAA, A. V. ;  Tutorial: Software Testing. 19 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2005, Uberlandia. (In Portuguese)

·         L. Costa, L. Feitosa, E. Araújo, G. Mendes, R. Coelho, W. Cirne and D. Fireman, “MyGrid: A complete solution for Running Bag-of-Tasks Applications” , 22nd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks - III Special Tools Session, 2004. [pdf]-(In English)

·         R. Coelho, S. Meira, “Coelho, R., Meira, S. (2003). SAAL - A System to Store and Analyze Web Links”, CSITeA’03 conferência da International Society for Computers and their Applications, 2003. [pdf]-(In English)

·         R. Coelho, M. Santos, S. Meira, “Combining Textual and Link Information in Web Documents Retrieval”, Magazine: RITA - Revista em Informática Teórica e Aplicada. (Vol. IX , number 3). [pdf]–(In Portuguese)

·         R. Coelho, “SAAL- A System to Store and Analyse Web Links”, MSc Thesis in Computer Science – UFPE. June/2002. [pdf]–(In Portuguese)

·         R. Coelho, S. Meira, “GHHITS – Mining the Web Link Structure” , First Theses Workshop in Artificial Intelligence, Recife, 2002. [ppt]-(In Portuguese)

·         Perkusich, L. Araújo, R. Coelho, K. Gorgônio, É. Ribeiro, and A. Pinheiro Lemos, “Design and animation of coloured petri nets models for traffic signals”. In Second Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and Design/CPN, 1999.    [pdf]-(In English)

·         R. Coelho, L. Araújo, “Visualizing and Animating Object Oriented Petri Nets (RPOO)”, IV Encontro de Iniciação Científica da UFPB (VI Undergraduate Scientific Meeting), 1998






©2004 Roberta de Souza Coelho  Last Update: Jan 2006.